Hello Guys, Did you want to find an IP address of a website? here is the solution for your problem…
What is an IP address?
An IP address is abbreviated as the Internet Protocol Address, which is unique for all devices. It is used to identify the devices on any network like the Internet or local network. IP is a protocol that gives the address to all devices on the internet. This results in proper communication over devices.
Finding IP of a Website using Traceroute Command:
Traceroute or Tracert is a Command Prompt command. This shows several details about the path you specify. Tracing the route of an address is the work of tracert or traceroute cmd. This is executed in Windows Command Prompt and also in the Linux terminals. Let’s see how…
tracert your-domain
traceroute your-domain
- Open cmd prompt OR press Win key + R and type cmd -> press Enter
- There type tracert www.example.com and hit enter.
- Check the screenshot is given below
- Open Terminal
- Type the command traceroute www.example.com and hit Enter
- Check the Screenshot below.